As much as we hate to admit it, we are all constantly on our phones. It's not one of the things our generation is particularly proud of, but it isn't something we can deny either. So I thought I might just share a couple of the apps I have on my phone that aren't really members of the "popular table" like Instagram, snapchat, Facebook, twitter, etc. Of course I uses all those on the daily as well, but here are four lesser known apps I love to use.
She Reads Truth (top left)

VSCO Cam (top right)
My Instagram has a very distinct and classy look to it, in my opinion, all thanks to this app. All of my photos are edited using VSCO because their filters are all beautiful and perfect. For all the iPhone photographers out there, this is a must have editing app, just saying. There are in app purchases for more filter options and a community to share photos as well. 10/10 would recommend.
Songza (bottom right)
Songza is my go to app for finding new music. It's kind of like pandora because it gives you a playlist that you don't really have control over exactly what plays. What's different is, it gives you playlist options based on what you are doing and what style of music you want. Another super cool thing about this music app is there are no advertisements while listening which is fantastic because spotify and pandora ads really take away from the music. You can save playlists you like and songs to go back and look for, which I use a lot to go and stalk the artists later.
Buzzfeed (bottom left)
Hi my name is Julia and I am addicted to taking Buzzfeed quizzes. *Hi Julia*
It's a serious problem, I know. Buzzfeed is a lovely website and of course they have an app perfect for me to waste my time on, where I can take every one of their silly quizzes or watch one of the 20 videos they post a day or read an article on something that really won't affect my life in any way, but I go ahead and read it anyway. aka perfect mind numbing distraction on my phone.
So there are four of my favorite, lesser known, apps. Let me know if you have any good ones on your phone because we pretty much all have smartphones now so there is no use denying that there are some apps we can get a little addicted to.
Julia Carrington