
"Crazy Busy" [9/12]

July 25, 2016

Life gets busy. I don't think I know a single person that doesn't use the word "busy" as a word to describe how things are for them. We fill our lives with so many activities and things we feel that we must accomplish. We do this so much so that we feel we have no time to do what we wish to do, but in reality, if we just reorganized our time and prioritized what was really important this constant feeling of busyness would begin to fade away.

Letting the word "busy" take over my life is something I know I have a problem with. Even at times when I have nothing important to do I still have this overwhelming feeling of busyness hanging over me like a cloud, preventing me from doing what I want to be important to me. I tell myself I would blog more if I wasn't so busy, but then in my free hour between work and dinner I watch a television show instead. I say I wish I would take more time to read or do a devotional in my bible every day, but in my free moments at work and before I go to sleep I choose to check my social media for the umpteenth time that day.

For those who are like me and have a problem controlling this busy feeling and let it control you instead, this book is a great reminder of how we must look up to what is really important instead of all the minuscule things in life. It is written from a Christian view talking about how improving a relationship with God and spending time with him can help ease the burden of busyness off of our shoulders.

I read this book during one of the busiest times of my life so far, working 8 hour shifts, often 6 days a week and took the time during the breaks in my shifts to slow down and read for a bit and just doing that helped me put everything going on in my life into a clear perspective. I would really suggest this book to any college student or young adult in the work world just to use as a reminder that sometimes we need to relax and reorganize our lives to help the monstrous feeling of being busy leave us alone more often than not.

Julia Carrington

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