Sometimes you just fall in love with the way a book is written. When authors choose to use a method that is a little more uncommon, but so much more fun to relate to. Me Earl and a Dying Girl made me fall in love.
The style of the book is written in the first person by the main character, Greg, as he writes the story of this girl he knew, Rachel. Greg often pulls us out of the story by adding in his current thoughts or takes breaks to grab a snack and come back to the book. This just makes it feel like a real person is just typing out their story and stream of consciousness as they go along. I want to write a novel someday, it has always been a back-of-mind dream for me, and when I do I want to write it in a style very similar to this because it's way too fun to read and I'm sure it's fun to write as well.
I love everything about this book. The emotions it gives me. The witty dry humor. The stabs at classic romance stories. I really appreciate when an author chooses to write a book about a boy and a girl that are simply friends and there is no romantic tension. Just a story about how they help each other grow without falling in love.
I will admit that I did see the movie before I read the book. I saw the movie when it first came out and it was instantly one of my favorites. It's a visually stunning movie in my opinion and did so many cool things with editing and camera work. The story drew me in and the movie was filmed like a book in a way so I knew I needed to read to find out more. I can't compare the two at all. It is still one of my favorite movies and now one of my favorite books. They each end differently which I found to be interesting and I also don't know which ending I prefer.
Great coming of age type novel. 10/10 would read again.
Julia Carrington